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Welcome to Arriving

becca sitzes headshot

I named this blog Arriving because that’s how I see life, a journey where we’re never quite there but perpetually moving forward. It’s this anticipatory feeling that right around the next bend lies our ultimate destination. I see it as the act of striving to be the best version of ourselves but always finding new ways to grow. Together and individually, we’re traveling our own paths in the world, carving our futures and eagerly looking ahead. There is an excitement to the journey and a joy in the process of finding that final destination. Sometimes, even when you can’t wait to reach that place or pinnacle you’ve set your sights on, the process of arriving there is as sweet as the reward. I want to write about things I’ve learned during my own journey as well as share the stories of others. We all have tales to tell and I can’t wait to share them. Humans are extraordinary in their capacity to create, overcome, love, pursue passions and carve out unique lives.

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